PKP Intercity signs contract for Newag locomotives

Griffin electric locomotives PKP Intercity and Newag signed a PLN 551.4 million (EUR 117.2 million) contract to purchase 20 Griffin electric locomotives which will expand operator’s rolling stock fleet. The new vehicles are expected to be delivered in the next 11 months.

“In these difficult post-pandemic times, when there is a war in the east and the world economy is not in the best shape, such contracts are extremely important. The last vehicle received in the previous order from Newag was wrapped with special graphics promoting the <Buy consciously – Polish Product> campaign. As you can see, these were not empty declarations or image-building activities not supported by actions. PKP Intercity has already invested PLN 7.5 billion [EUR 1.6 billion], and 99% of this amount will go to Polish producers,” Andrzej Adamczyk, the Minister of Infrastructure said.

The new locomotives capable to run at 160 km/h will be used for domestic transport connections to most important cities such as Wrocław, Poznań, Gdynia, Olsztyn, Szczecin, Kraków, Katowice, Zielona Góra and Białystok.

The single-system locomotives will have a modular structure and will be powered from the 3 kV DC traction network.

The new contract “will bring PKP Intercity closer to the goal set in our investment strategy. Successive contracts are constantly expanding our rolling stock and systematically strengthening operational capabilities. 20 new locomotives mean the possibility of launching additional connections and greater reliability of vehicles in various weather conditions,” Jarosław Oniszczuk, member of the management board of PKP Intercity said at the signing ceremony.

The new vehicles will be equipped with ETCS L1 and L2 increasing the level of safety and will also include on-board diagnostic systems, video monitoring, GPS system and a fire alarm system.

In 2021, the acceptance of 30 electric locomotives was completed, which to this day remain the most modern type of locomotive used by PKP Intercity. This year, PKP Intercity’s fleet will be strengthened by the first of 10 multi-system locomotives from Newag under a contract signed in October 2021 which also includes an option for 15 additional locomotives. These multi-system locomotives will travel with up to 200 km/h, which will allow effective use of the modernised railway lines. In addition, they will be homologated for operation in six European countries. The total amount of contracts signed with NEWAG is over PLN 1.3 billion (EUR 276.5 million).

“Newag once again won the tender organized by PKP Intercity and we are glad that a state-owned company uses the services of domestic producers. The Griffin electric locomotives are modern vehicles that significantly raise the standard of services provided by the national railway carrier. The choice of Newag strengthens the Polish industry and economy, but also strengthens the potential of PKP Intercity,” Maciej Małecki, State Secretary at Ministry of State Assets said.

The acquisition of the new Griffin electric locomotives is part of company’s 2030 rolling stock investment plan worth PLN 27 billion (EUR 5.74 billion) to meet transport demand.

The purchase of further locomotives is a key component the rolling stock modernisation strategy for the a 7-year perspective. “Thanks to the purchase and modernisation of rolling stock, we can provide our passengers with comfortable vehicles, while using the parameters of modernised railway lines on a large scale. Polish railways are changing, which is noticed by our passengers,” Jarosław Oniszczuk, member of the management board of PKP Intercity said.

According to operator’s plan, the strategy will double the number of trains by 2030 fand will offer passengers a high standard and fast travel. Travelling at a speed between 160 and 250 km/h will become the norm, which will shorten travel times. PKP Intercity trains will therefore significantly accelerate, as most of them currently run at a speed of 120-160 km/h. all the acquired or modernised rolling stock will be adapted to the needs of various groups of travelers, such as to the people with disabilities or families with children.

In the next seven years, PKP Intercity’s fleet will be new or modernised, which will ensure a high level of travel safety and comfort and will reduce the CO2 emissions ensuring operator’s commitment to become climate-neutral.

In January, PKP Intercity announced its 2023 plan to modernise and acquire rolling stock which also includes this contract signed with Newag. The company also intends to sign the contract to purchase 300 coaches which includes an option for 150 additional vehicles.


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