Vossloh and Predge to develop point machines

point machines Vossloh and the data analysis company Predge from Luleå, Sweden, signed an agreement to join forces on the development of a forecast model for point machines.

This strategic collaboration combines Vossloh’s in-depth expertise in the development and manufacture of point machines with Predge’s extensive expertise in the fields of data analysis and artificial intelligence.

“Rail Infrastructure is one of the key competence areas within Predge. We specialise in developing cutting-edge predictive maintenance solutions and design our AI models specifically for operational use. Joining forces with Vossloh extends the reach of our offering to point machines and makes predictive insights available to a broader market,” Simo Pykälistö, the CEO of Predge said.

Together, the two companies are setting themselves the goal of developing a predictive model that provides precise fault forecasts as well as valuable insights into impending failures.

“With the help of this trendsetting forecast model, our customers will be able to plan their maintenance measures more proactively, in greater detail and better in the future. The number of failures will be noticeably reduced and ultimately the availability of the track significantly increased. At the same time, we will gain an even deeper insight into the interaction of the various track components,” Oliver Schuster, CEO of Vossloh AG said, adding that “Vossloh is once again showing pioneering spirit and, together with Predge, is addressing the key customer need ‘availability of the track’ in a highly innovative and effective manner.”

Vossloh and Predge are setting new standards in rail infrastructure maintenance by combining the best of traditional rail expertise and cutting-edge digital technology. This partnership will make rail transport more efficient, safer and more economical.

Predge is a data- and solution driven company helping industries to predict failure, errors and prevent unwanted stops. Company’s product packages is formed together with the market, its customers and partners. By collecting and analyzing Big Data the company provides a base for decision-making in operations.


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