UK: Hitachi endorses Argenia’s low cost level crossing system for the North Pole Depot

03-hitachiArgenia Railway Technologies announced that their level crossing system installed by CSR Services Limited has been signed off by Hitachi. The system is the first of its kind to be installed in the UK. The project started in early 2014 and was completed in late 2015. The system was chosen because of its low cost and suitability for crossings within the depot environment
The Argenia low cost level crossing system uses proprietary digital axle counters to detect trains and activate a warning system. It is the only crossing system in the world with native solar+wireless capabilities designed specifically for depots and areas of low traffic. The crossing at the North Pole Depot was installed with a wired configuration.
“We are extremely proud to announce this significant milestone in the commercialization of our next generation crossing warning activation system. We have Tony Simpson from CSR Services Limited to thank for identifying our system and recommending it to Hitachi for the depot. We are looking forward to building on this success with additional projects in the UK and Europe,” Michael Assad, CEO of Argenia, said.

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