UK: Gospel Oak-Barking electrification to be completed by 2018

Network Rail revealed the plan for delivering the remaining electrification of the Gospel Oak to Barking line ahead of the introduction of new electric trains from spring 2018. The electrification installation will be completed in January 2018, enabling testing of the new electric trains and driver training to begin, with trains to start entering passenger service from spring 2018. Current diesel services will continue to run as normal until replaced by new double-length trains.
“The Gospel Oak to Barking line is set to benefit from a transformational upgrade with better services provided by a new fleet of longer electric trains, doubling the current capacity. We still have a lot to do but with a new team in place to finish off the project, I’m confident that the immense benefits of this once-in-a-lifetime investment will be realised in the months ahead, and the benefits enjoyed for years to come,” Meliha Duymaz, route managing director, said.

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