TransLink to improve fare payment for passengers with disabilities

01-translinkWorking in close consultation with representatives of the accessibility community, TransLink has identified a technical solution for customers unable to tap at fare gates. The TransLink Board of Directors endorsed a recommended solution, which will be in place in approximately 18 months.
The solution will involve a long-range proximity sensor at a stand-alone door located at accessible entrances. These specialized access doors will ensure customers unable to tap can access the SkyTrain system without assistance and travel independently.
While the permanent solution is being developed and installed, TransLink will provide customers who are unable to tap a number of options for traveling on the system:
– Improved Station Assistance Service wherein customers can either phone right at the station for immediate remote gate opening, or phone ahead to arrange in-person gate assistance.
– An Assistive Devices Program, working directly with TransLink’s Access Transit group to identify and receive an assistive device to help tap a Compass Card at fare gates
– Existing HandyDART service and the HandyCard program that enables customers with disabilities to have an attendant travel for free.

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