The first Régiolis train delivered to the Poitou-Charentes region

Regiolis_20131218---Regiolis_basse_normandie1Alstom presented the first Régiolis train for the Poitou-Charentes French region to elected representatives of the Technicentre in Saintes on 4 December. The ten trains on order will enhance the comfort of passengers on regional journeys between Poitiers, Saintes, La Rochelle and Bordeaux. During December 2014, SNCF staff in the Poitou-Charentes region will receive training for the new train, which is scheduled to enter commercial service in January 2015.
The trains are 72 metres in length, with a capacity for up to 217 seated passengers in four carriages. The trains are dual mode (electric and diesel), making them extremely flexible to operate, as they can travel on electrified and non-electrified networks.
Régiolis trains are part of Alstom’s Coradia range.

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