Slovenia to complete GSM-R deployment

Slovenia-GSM-R_gsm-r-bazna_postaja-sezanaThe project for the introduction of the GSM-R digital radio system on the Slovenian railway network is in the final stage, according to the Infrastructure Directorate, the Slovenian media informs. The Infrastructure Directorate has also admitted spending more than the EUR 117 million earmarked in the contract. The addendum to the unforeseen and additional works is being prepared, and informally, the sum amounts to about EUR 20 million.

The objective of the project is to construct and set up a digital radio communication system (GSM-R) across the public railway network in Slovenia. The system will first be introduced along the main railway lines and then along the regional railway lines.
Within the project, a GSM-R radio railway network with a total length of approximately 1,200 km will be set up; apart from the supply of radio devices, it will also comprise the construction of the necessary cable routes and cable connections and will include the needed construction works. Over 250 base stations (GSM-R towers) will be set up and mobile radio devices for staff and maintenance vehicles for the public railway infrastructure managers will be purchased. A central control system and management centre for the entire newly constructed network will be established. Training of the staff responsible for the management and maintenance of the new network will also be carried out within the framework of the project.

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