RZD creates additional opportunities to attract customers

RZD-investitii_images„The development of rail infrastructure itself stimulates economic development. As an example, the Baikal Amur Main Line (BAM) and the Trans-Siberian have modernised Russia’s Eastern region, resulted in an additional transport capacity of 66 million tons, 40,000 new jobs and the greater involvement of 19 divisions,” announced Oleg Belozerov at „Back to Growth: Strategy for Russia”. At the moment, Russian Railways is implementing a number of major infrastructure projects. The company is modernising the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway, developing the approach lines to the ports in North-West and South Russia, reconstructing the Moscow transport hub and designing the Moscow – Kazan high-speed railway.
Speaking about the development of Russian Railways and the railway industry in general, Oleg Belozerov named three key areas of work: reducing internal costs, increasing energy efficiency and attracting innovative technologies to the industry, as well as increasing customer focus.
For 2015-2016, Russian Railways will continue its efforts to increase internal efficiency, reduce costs and improve labour productivity, which in the 9 months from January to September 2015 increased by almost 5%.

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