RZD and Serbian Railways to modernize Corridor 10

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASerbian Railways and Russian Railways subsidiary RZD International inked an agreement in order to build three more railway lines on Corridor 10.
The agreement concerns the reconstruction and modernization of three sections of Corridor 10 in southern Serbia, whose length totals 46 kilometers, scheduling the start of the construction works for the first quarter of 2016.
The agreement was signed by Serbian Railways Infrastructure Director Goran Maksic and RZD International CEO Sergey Pavlov.
The agreement envisages modernization of the sections: Vinarci-Djordjevo (15 km), Vranjska Banja-Ristovac (17.7 km) and Bujanovac-Bukarevac (13.7 km).
The new project is worth USD 26.4 million, and the works will be financed by a previous Russian loan intended for modernization and construction of the Serbian rail lines amounting to USD 800 million.
The signing ceremony was attended by Serbian Minister of Traffic and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and Russian Railways President Oleg Belozerov.
„This year Serbia will modernize 130 kilometers of rail lines, and a total of 500 kilometers in the next three years”, Minister Mihajlovic announced.

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