Moscow Metro to replace turnstiles at 86 stations

moscow metroMore than 1,300 turnstiles will be replaced at 86 of the Moscow metro’s stations by the end of 2017. Among the first stations to get new turnstiles will be Cherkizovskaya, Sportivnaya, Leninsky Prospekt and Kutuzovskaya. The work will start in October 2016.
More than 4,100 turnstiles are currently installed in the Moscow metro, of which more than 2,300 are old-style ones. “These turnstiles were designed to be able to work in automatic mode starting back in the 1970s, but they don’t fit with the metro’s style, though they continue working today without problem”, Yury Vasilyev, chief engineer at the Moscow metro communications service said.
The new turnstiles would have silent glass gates, would be bigger and higher, and made of scratch-resistant stainless steel. This will save on the need for additional maintenance in the future and lengthen their service lives. The turnstiles are equipped for contact-free payment via bank card using PayPass/PayWave technology.

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