JICA loan for Jakarta East-West MRT project

Jakarta East-West MRT The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia signed a loan agreement for the Jakarta East-West MRT project.

The JPY 140.7 billion (USD 902.38 million) ODA loan will finance the first phase of the project expected to be completed in June 2031. In the first half of 2025 the letters of invitation for consulting services will be issued which will include detailed design work and construction supervision services. At the same time, the announcement of initial procurement package for international competitive bidding on main construction works will be launched.

The implementation of the first phase of the project is expected to cost JPY 745.23 billion (USD 4.8 billion) and will take 84 months to be completed.

The first phase of the project consists of the construction of a 24.5 km of rail line from Tomang station to Medan Satria station and the procurement of 184 rail cars as well as the basic design for the second stage from Kembangan station to Tomang station.

Stage 1 of the Phase 1 will involve parallel co-financing from other donors for elevated civil engineering for 15.5 km and is assumed to be conducted by other donors, and all other items are eligible for JICA financing. Parallel co-financing is also planned for stage 2 and phase 2.

The operation and maintenance of facilities constructed under the project are expected to be carried out by PT Mass Rapid Transit (MRTJ), which has experience on the MRT North-South Line.

The Jakarta East-West MRT project will be implemented into two phases covering an 84.1 km line with the second phase including a new line from Balaraja and Medan Satria stations to Cikalang station. This phase will also include environmental and social considerations and conducting TOD related surveys.

The project aims to enhance transport capacity in the increasingly congested Jakarta metropolitan area through the construction of a mass rapid transit system connecting central and eastern-western parts. It seeks to address the area’s growing transport demands, facilitate a modal shift from road to public transport, alleviate traffic congestion, and concurrently improve the living and investment environment while furthering environmental impact reduction and climate change mitigation.

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