Hitachi to launch a new signalling design software

Hitachi Information Control Systems Europe Ltd. (HICSE) is to launch a new railway signalling design tool ‘dessan Design’, at InnoTrans, where it will demonstrate how the new software works. The new software enables signalling designer’s to easily create and edit new signalling layouts using an integrated library of signaling components.
The new tool can be used to create design sketches during the option selection phases of a new project and provides graphical outputs for the assessment of new design options. It helps to reduce errors with its in-built validation and improves productivity for signalling designers. Less time spent manually transferring data between tools will improve efficiency and accelerate the design process.
“dessan Design is a great addition to the HICSE portfolio of software and data products designed for use in the railway industry. It draws on our excellent software expertise but coupled with a real-world understanding of the signalling design process, so it also offers our clients opportunity to work more efficiently in delivery of projects. It is also a further step within Hitachi’s Digital Railway ambitions and our drive to become ‘An Innovation Partner for the IoT Era”,Tim Gray, HICSE Managing Director said.
dessan Design is part of the dessan Rail portfolio – a comprehensive suite of products that can increase efficiency throughout project lifecycles, via scheme optimisation, design validation, operational modelling and simulation, through to operator training.

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