Germany to invest EUR 264.5 billion in transport infrastructure

DBAccording to Germany’s Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan (2030 FTIP), EUR 264.5 billion will be invested to modernize and interlink our transport infrastructure and step up mobility in German, the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Alexander Dobrindt said.
49.4 % of the funds are allocated to the roads, 41.3 % to the railways and 9.3 % to the waterways. Under the national concept of priorities, new building projects are marked as first priority (VB) projects with projects aiming to eliminate bottlenecks labelled as VB-E.
The Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan defines the roads, railways and waterways where the Federal Government’s investments will flow until 2030.
The 2030 FTIP features about 1000 projects with an overall volume of EUR 264.5 billion, 91 billion more than the 2003 FTIP.

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