Georgian Railways is considering creating a new train line connecting the airports in Tbilisi and Kutaisi, with regular departures. Spokesperson Dachi Tsaguria told Kutaisi Post that Georgian Railways is currently researching whether the new airport-to-airport link will be effective and profitable. In the Tbilisi end, a rail line was completed a few years ago, but is hardly noticed by travelers due to its rare, only twice daily departures.
After the study is completed by the end of this year, the company will announce a tender and later select a company to carry out the project, which may involve constructing new rail tracks, though these are details which have not been worked out yet.
At present, travelers through Kutaisi airport usually either take a direct shuttle minibus to Tbilisi, or a local minibus to Kutaisi, and then train or bus from there. The railway station that is closest to the airport is Kopitnari, about one kilometer away. The new rail link may therefore involve using the Kopitnari station, or it may mean laying new tracks to the airport terminal, but such details will be considered during the assessment of the project’s profitability, as Tsahuria presented it.
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