Finnish Government approves funds for rail projects

tampereUnder the Fiscal Plan for 2017−2020, the Finnish Government agreed to finance and to launch transport projects within the ‘spending limits period’ with a total EUR 700 million investment.
The rail projects funded by the Government include Raide–Jokeri light rail link, Helsinki–Turku, further planning of fast rail link, Tampere tramway, phase 1 (Hervanta, Central Hospital, depot) and phase 2 (Lentävänniemi).
Last year, the city of Tampere has selected Tralli, a consortium comprising Pöyry, VR Track and YIT, to carry out a light rail project. The light rail system will be constructed in the busiest part of the Tampere public transport system, from the city centre to Sampola. In Sampola, the line will split into two lines, with one line leading to the University of Tampere and the other to the Hervanta area.
The 23.5 kilometre line covered by the project will contain 23 to 25 stops. The cost estimate for the project is approximately EUR 250 million.

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