East Midlands Trains franchise starts operating

MidlandsOn 19 October, Britain Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin marked the first day of East Midlands Trains’ extended franchise.
Under the deal announced on 16 September 2015, East Midlands Trains will not only continue to run services between London, the East Midlands and parts of the north of England until March 2018, but will also deliver a host of improvements for passengers, backed by £13 million (EUR 17.7 million) of investment.
‘The franchise that starts will mean better journeys and a better deal for passengers on East Midlands Trains. Strengthening our transport infrastructure, locally and nationally, is a key part of the government’s long term economic plan, and the £38 billion (EUR 51.8 billion) spent on the UK’s rail network between 2014 and 2019 will help boost jobs and growth,’ McLoughlin said.

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