CAB TecRec: A single driver desk configuration in the scope of EU rail

On 15 June 2010, UIC and UNIFE published the “Technical Recommendation on the Driver Machine Interfaces in the scope of TSI High Speed and Conventional Rail” (CAB TecRec). The objective of the driver’s cab requirements described in these technical recommendations is to ensure the unrestricted, safe and efficient operation of rolling stock on the entire European railway network as far as driver‐machine‐interfaces and cab issues are concerned. They are supposed to comply with the constraints of the whole Trans‐European network in terms of drivers’ related interfaces to rolling stock. CAB TecRec will have a positive impact on the operations deriving from the use of drivers’ related interfaces, from specialty education to rolling stock certification procedures. This initiative will help improve interoperability on European and international railways.

Standardisation is one of the key aspects for the development of an efficient, competitive and safe railway system. More than 15 years of European Research studies have demonstrated that a standardised desk configuration is a key issue for all European drivers, from engine drivers to certification authorities and suppliers. The conclusion of these studies was that rolling stock specific deviations should be limited to a minimum. A set of nowadays commonly shared conclusions and design principles have been provided by recent projects (e. g. EUCAB & EUDDplus) and they have been considered in the course of the elaboration of the UIC/UNIFE TecRec standards. Many large manufacturers participated in these projects: Alstom, Bombardier, AnsaldoBreda, Siemens for EUCAB and OBB, Ceske Drahy, Skoda Transportation, MAV for EUDDplus. The CAB TecRec standard adopted this summer has two main features: it defines the operating elements on EMU/DMU, locomotives and driver’s cabs of driving coaches, whether high speed or conventional and describes some basic functional and system requirements associated with harmonised Driver‐Machine‐Interfaces for EMU/DMU, locomotives and related driver’s cabs of driving coaches, whether high speed or conventional. It is assumed that all functions relevant for cab‐equipped rolling stock may be managed with these interfaces.
At present, manufacturers and national authorities impose their own driver cab standards and this affects interoperability on the European railways. “A single driver cab standard brings us a big step closer to a single European railway system”, said Jean Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General.
The implementation of the CAB TecRec standard will influence in a positive manner all the components of the European railway system. Rolling stock standardisation generates other similar processes, such as rolling stock certification and personnel training regulations and facilitates the access of suppliers on all European markets, thus stimulating competition.

First TecRec standard: Single system for measuring rolling stock energy consumption

TecRec (Technical Recommendation) is an UIC and UNIFE standard whose main application is the rolling stock on European railways and the interfaces with other systems. TecRec is the solution adopted by the two organisations in terms of railway product standardisation, in order to facilitate interoperability on European railways. The publication of a TecRec standard will help increase competition in the railway sector. TecRec projects are managed by a joint UIC/UNIFE work group, whose representatives come from the UIC Rail System Forum and the UNIFE Technical Committee. A permanent work group made up of UIC and UNIFE experts will handle the issues and priorities related to CAB TecRec.
The first UIC/UNIFE TecRec standard was published on 15 March 2010 and it concerned the harmonisation of the specifications and verification of the energy consumption level of a railway vehicle.

by Alin Lupulescu

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