Bursa starts testing of the new trams

Bursa-tram_Siemens_durmazlar_2_450The new trams produced for the new tram line T2 of Bursa city have been completed and started to be tested. Turkish rail car producer Durmazlar was awarded for 12 trams in addition to 60 LRVs in the beginning of 2015. Durmazlar Chairman of the Board, Hüseyin Durmaz, gave information on the production of domestic vehicles. „Our goal is to sell these vehicles to other cities of Turkey as well as to export abroad. Annual export share of companies as Bombardier or others USD 5 billion. If we can reach to this level, huge potential of USD 50 billion over 10 years could emerge”, Durmaz added. The T2 tramway line will be 8.5 km long. The line line will have 11 stations, each of them being 60 mt long.

Photo: http://www.siemens.com.tr

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