Austria to invest EUR 14.6 billion in expanding rail infrastructure

OBB-Infra_060_bahnhof_dornbirnIn the next six years, about EUR 14.6 billion will be invested to expand rail infrastructure in Austria. In addition to investments into the major rail corridors and cargo terminals, also new railcars for local transport will be acquired. Moreover, from 2016 new locomotives for freight transport will be acquired.

Investments into infrastructure, new locomotives for short distance transport, the future of freight transport and apprenticeships with the ÖBB – these were the issues of the first work meeting of Gerald Klug, Minister of Infrastructure and Christian Kern, CEO ÖBB.
“Railway is of utmost importance to the industry and economy in this country. Every Euro invested into cargo or local transport makes the railway more attractive as a transport mode, and increases Austria’s competitiveness“, emphasised the Minister.
In terms of freight transport, he aims to further increase the share of railway, “from one third to 40 percent. Austria has a peak position within Europe“, said Gerald Klug.

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