Australia: public consultation for Homebush rail station upgrade

07-australiaTransport for New South Wales has invited the local community to provide feedback on the proposed upgrade of Homebush Station.
“Homebush Station is being upgraded as part of the NSW Government’s Transport Access Program, an initiative to deliver safe, modern and accessible public transport infrastructure across NSW. For the next three weeks, the local community will have the opportunity to view the ‘Review of Environmental Factors’ document, which outlines details of the proposed station upgrade, the potential project impacts and how these will be managed. All of the feedback received during this exhibition period will help as we develop the final design,” said Member for Drummoyne, John Sidoti.
When the upgrade is completed, Homebush Station customers will benefit from a number of improvements including new lifts to improve accessibility for less mobile customers, upgraded stairs and the installation of new canopies to provide protection from the weather.

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