Artesyn obtains SIL4 certification

02-artesinArtesyn Embedded Technologies received Safety Integrity Level 4 (SIL4) certification for its ControlSafe Expansion Box Platform with ControlSafe Expansion Box computer and ControlSafe EXB software. Certified by TÜV SÜD, this commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) fail-safe and fault-tolerant computing platform is designed for a wide range of train control and rail signaling applications, especially large scale applications requiring substantial I/O processing capability. The ControlSafe Expansion Box Platform can either be configured as a dual-redundant safety system or deployed as an I/O expansion subsystem.
Artesyn’s ControlSafe Platform enables rail application developers and system integrators to substantially accelerate time-to-market without being deterred by the potentially high costs and risks associated with the stringent SIL4 system development and certification process, a process that can take multiple years to accomplish.
Designed to deliver best-in-class platform hardware availability of six nines (99.9999%)1, Artesyn’s ControlSafe Expansion Box Platform is fully certified to EN 50126 for reliability, availability, maintainability and safety (RAMS) processes; EN 50128 for safety-related software; and EN50129 for safety-related electronic systems.
It implements an innovative data lock-step architecture and hardware-based voting mechanism that supports high performance modern processors, and is modular, scalable and designed to seamlessly accommodate additional I/O interfaces as well as upgraded processors that will be required throughout the product life cycle. In addition, the ControlSafe Expansion Box Platform allows application developers to migrate existing application software with minimal modifications

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