Keolis renews contract for Lyon public transport network

05-keolisThe governing board of the transport authority SYTRAL (Syndicat Mixte des transports pour le Rhône et l’agglomération lyonnaise) voted to renew the contract of Keolis, the incumbent operator of the TCL (Transports en commun lyonnais) public transport network in the region. The new public service concession contract is valid for six years and starts on 1 January 2017. The contract will generate revenue of EUR 2.2 billion.

The TCL network covers 73 municipalities and manages close to 1.7 million journeys daily. In the greater Lyon area, Keolis operates metro, tram, funicular, trolleybus, bus and autonomous electric shuttle lines.

Annie Guillemot, SYTRAL’s Chairwoman, and Jean-Pierre Farandou, Keolis’ Chairman, will sign the new contract in the coming weeks.

Under the new agreement, passengers will enjoy higher-performance, with improvements in sustainable and accessible mobility. Operational costs will be kept under control. In line with SYTRAL’s expectations, Keolis will seek to enhance the network’s overall economic performance throughout the duration of the contract.

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