Samsun – Kalın railway modernization will be completed in 2017

Samsun-Kalin_Samsun-Kalın-Demiryolu-Projesi-tcdd.net_-150x150Modernization works for this railway line began in September 2015. Turkish Railways (TCDD) announced that the line will enter service in 2017. On this 378 kilometres railway line, between Samsun and Kalın the infrastructure will be modernized and the signaling system will be installed and upgraded. The European Union will grant funds for the necessary works. Within the modernization works 48 historic bridges will be rehabilitated, 30 bridges and 54 thousands culverts will be rebuild. The project will comprise the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing 378 km single track railway infrastructure and ancillary structures with unchanged alignment and optimisation of the track layout with installation of a new signalling system on the railway line from Samsun to Kalın. The cost of the project amounts to EUR 300 million.

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