Canada: TSB recommends voice and video recorders on locomotives

01-canadaThe Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) released the report on its safety study, Expanding the use of locomotive voice and video recorders (LVVR) in Canada. The study concluded that expanding the use of these recordings has the potential to enhance safety and provide a better understanding and assessment of operational and human factors within the locomotive cab.
In addition to their use in TSB accident investigations, railway companies could—if permitted—use LVVR data to enhance safety by developing and revising employee training programs, assessing and changing equipment designs and company operating procedures, improving crew security, and identifying risky behaviour.
The study also recognized concerns that the expanded use of LVVR could infringe on employees’ rights, concluding that successful implementation of LVVR will depend on ensuring that the appropriate balance of rights and obligations for all key stakeholders is achieved through the establishment of a clear framework and guidelines for the use of the data.
The TSB has called upon the Minister of Transport to take concrete action to initiate implementation of LVVR as soon as possible, and to introduce legislation to permit the expanded use of on-board recorders in all modes of transportation.

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