On 29 March, Bucharest General Council (CGMB) approved the draft Decision on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2016-2030, a strategic document that proposes a coherent development vision in Bucharest-Ilfov region.
“By approving the Sustainable Urban Development Plan, Bucharest Municipality and Ilfov County Council could jointly access European funds of up to EUR 220 million through the Regional Operational Programme of which EUR 150 million will be used to reform public transport. It is a document that has been long-awaited by all the citizens of Bucharest extended metropolitan area and comprises projects that, once completed, will have a direct contribution to increasing the life quality of people”, declared Gabriela Firea, Mayor of Bucharest.
Bucharest’s main projects included in the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan 2016-2030 are the procurement of 100 trams, 100 trolleybuses and 500 buses, of which 300 electric buses. The project also includes the modernisation of the tram infrastructure and its extension by 41 km of double line, as well as the rehabilitation of approx. 1800 stations.
The plan also includes the introduction of traffic lanes dedicated to public transport on 25km, as well as the construction of Park & Ride facilities at the city’s key access points.
Rethinking and extending the traffic management system are also included in the Mobility Plan for 2030.
In 2016-2030, the objective of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUD) is to create an efficient, integrated, sustainable and safe transport system that would promote economic, social and territorial development and to ensure an improved life quality. It is an investment plan of EUR 7 billion of which EUR 3.5 billion will be invested in the extension and modernisation of the metro (mainly state-budget funds and European funds) and the rest in projects developed by local authorities for public surface transport, traffic management and cycling infrastructure.
Thus, PMUD is a prerequisite for accessing European funds in 2014-2020 through the Regional Operational Programme and the Operational Programme Large Infrastructure. PMUD will be correlated with the General Transport Master Plan (MPGT), the General Urban Plan (PUG), the regional development plan (PDR BI) and local urban development strategies.
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