UN 2030 transport strategy adopted

UNECE’s Inland Transport Committee (ITC) adopted its 2030 Strategy which will create a worldwide framework for inland transport that is safe, sustainable, accessible, and a benefit to all societies.
One of the key aspects of this strategy is to fully engage the Contracting Parties so that it may benefit more countries and more people then ever before.
The strategy has four pillars which are meant to harmonize inland transport developments worldwide and create the safest and most sustainable mobility. These key elements include promoting and maintaining the UN Transport Conventions many of which promote safety and high standards globally. Secondly, supporting the development of new technologies and innovations in transport with universal standards so that vehicles can operate internationally, and standards are set for technical advancement to move forward cooperatively. Thirdly, promoting interregional and global inland transport policy dialogues, which the ITC has been the key platform for over the last seven decades. Lastly, promoting sustainable regional and interregional inland transport that is interconnected and allows greater mobility.
The Contracting Parties to legally binding conventions administered by ITC and its Working Parties currently include 147 United Nations Member States, in addition to two observer states and a non-state actor. The adoption of this strategy signals the further opening up of the Conventions under its purview to the entire 193 member States of the UN. This is meant to increase access to and implementation of the legal instruments and tools, which act as a blueprint for safer, more sustainable and accessible mobility. This will indeed mark a turning point to developing countries many of which do not take advantage of these legal interments but stand to benefit the most by them.

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