‘Substantial progress’ on EU Military Mobility

Photo: Cezary Stachniak, Logistician | NATO’s EasternFlank

The European Commission and the EU High Representative are presenting a published a Joint Report on the implementation of the Action Plan on Military Mobility, adopted in March 2018. The Report describes the substantial and tangible progress achieved so far as well as the way forward. Key steps such as the Military Requirements and the Gap Analysis between the military and the civilian requirements have been delivered. This paves the way for funding civilian-military dual-use of transport infrastructure through a proposed EUR 6.5 billion envelope as part of the CEF 2021-2027. The European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement on the CEF Regulation, including specific provisions for dual-use project funding. Given the 50% co-funding rate, it would translate to at least EUR 13 billion total expenditure on dual-use projects.
The successful implementation of the Action Plan will enable the EU Member States to act faster and more effectively in the context of the Common Security and Defence Policy, national and multinational activities. This fully respects national sovereignty and decision-making of the EU Member States. Military mobility is also a flagship project within the EU-NATO cooperation framework.
The Improving military mobility is a key EU initiative exploits civilian-military synergies to improve the mobility of military personnel, materiel and equipment for routine activities and during crisis and conflict, within and beyond the EU, by all transport modes and in all strategic directions. It will enable the EU Member States to act faster and more effectively in the context of the Common Security and Defence Policy, national and multinational activities. The next Progress Report will be presented by the end of the summer of 2020.

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