The Spanish Government authorised a EUR 183.5 million tender in two contracts for the maintenance of telecommunications and security facilities on the entire railway network. Both contracts have a 36-month execution term and include provisions for possible extensions.
The contract for the maintenance of the safety installations has an estimated value of EUR 137.53 million and includes interlockings, train protection systems (ERMTS, LZB and ASFA), fixed signals, train detection systems (track circuits and axle counters), turnouts, Centralised Traffic Control (CTC), auxiliary track detection systems (fall object detectors and hot box detectors), signalling cables, power systems, terminal cabinets and boxes and technical rooms and buildings.
As regards telecommunications facilities, the contract, with an estimated value of EUR 45.95 million, includes auxiliary track detection systems (hot box detectors), telephone systems (automatic and operating telephony, train-to-ground, GSM-R), audio recorders, communications equipment (transmission systems, routers, modems, among others), the telecommunications cable network (copper and fibre optic, as well as its laying infrastructure), energy systems and cabinets, rooms and technical buildings.
Under this tender, two contracts will be signed covering preventive and corrective maintenance for the facilities and works and the supply of materials. The aim is to minimise incidents and reduce the times when the facilities are unavailable. Work will be carried out on the interlockings, train protection systems, Centralised Traffic Control (CTC), telephone systems, communications equipment and the cable network.
The two contracts are made up of six lots, corresponding to as many geographical areas:
- Lot 1 – Centre has a total cost of EUR 29.3 million of which EUR 22.5 million for the security installations and EUR 6.8 million for telecommunications installations;
- Lot 2 – Northwest is estimated at EUR 21.45 million, of which EUR 16.2 million for the security installations and EUR 5.27 million million for telecommunications installations;
- Lot 3 – South has a total value of EUR 15.96 million and includes EUR 11.2 million for the security installations and EUR 4.7 million for telecommunications installations;
- Lot 4 – East is estimated at EUR 14.8 million, EUR 10.5 million of which for the security installations and EUR 4.24 million for telecommunications installations;
- Lot 5 – Northeast has a total cost of EUR 31.6 million, of which EUR 24.3 million for the security installations and EUR 7.34 million for telecommunications installations;
- Lot 6 – North is estimated at EUR 20 million, of which EUR 15 million for the security installations and EUR 5 million for telecommunications installations;
The contracts aim to provide Adif staff with support services for the maintenance of these facilities, especially in areas with high density, to minimise incidents and reduce the times when the facilities are unavailable.
Both contracts, which will be put out to tender through Adif, include preventive and corrective maintenance activities for the telecommunications and security facilities. The planned actions include investment works aimed at improving operating conditions and increasing original performance and include the supply of the necessary materials for these actions.
This investment in maintaining the railway network is in addition to the contract authorised in January 14, 2025, for the maintenance of structures and tracks on the conventional and narrow gauge network, for another EUR 660 million.
In total, the Council of Ministers has authorised the mobilisation of EUR 540 million of investment to continue advancing in the development and maintenance of the railway network, through works aimed at the conservation of both the conventional and high-speed networks, the reabilitation of several sections of the conventional Madrid – Alcázar de San Juan – Cádiz line as it passes through Andalusia, the improvement of the Villabona tunnels in Asturias, and the start of the assembly of tracks on the Murcia – Almería high-speed line.
On January 28, Adif launched a launched tender for the contract for support services for the maintenance of telecommunications facilities within the railway network. The contract has a tender budget of EUR 33.36 million, with a term of execution of 36 months.
The installations covered by the contract include auxiliary track detection systems, telephone systems, audio recorders, communications equipment, the telecommunications cable network, power systems and technical cabinets, rooms and buildings.
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