“2015 will be the latest year in which we have planned a very serious construction programme for the city. (…)One of the biggest projects, yet again, is the Sofia subway”, Mayor of Sofia, Yordanka Fandakova, said in an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR).
With Bulgaria set to get EUR 400 M in EU funding in 2014-2020 for building sections of the metro system in Sofia, the construction of a third line is planned to start this year, Fandakova said.
Construction should began for the third metro line that will link the city’s southwestern neighbourhoods with its eastern parts. Its first section, to stretch from Krasno Selo neighbourhood to the city centre, will be seven kilometers long with seven stations and will considerably ease traffic on some of the most congested boulevards in Sofia.
In addition, the mayor said that two extensions to the existing red line, or Line 1, with a combined length of nine kilometers are expected to enter service in 2015.
One of the extensions will reach Sofia international airport, while the other will connect the city’s western neighbourhoods with the business park in the southeastern outskirts of Sofia where the offices of major Bulgarian and international companies are based.
The construction of a southward extension to the blue line, or Line 2, by around three km and two stations is expected to be completed by the middle of next year, said Fandakova.
Source: focus-fen.net novinite.com
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