Shift2Rail granted 17 projects under 2019 calls

Under the 2019 Shift2Rail JU call for proposals, 17 projects worth EUR 148.6 million will be funded, of which, EUR 74.8 million will be covered by Shift2Rail.
The S2R JU members will undertake 6 of the new projects selected in the 2019 calls, with activites totaling EUR 130.9 million, co-funded by S2R up to EUR 57.6 million.
11 additional open call projects, open for applications to any entity in the EU and associated Horizon 2020 countries, have been selected for funding. These projects have a total value of EUR 17.7 million, 97% of which will be funded by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking.
In total, 203 participants will develop new solutions for railway systems under the 2019 S2R call for proposals. SMEs represent 30% of the entities selected in the open call projects.
“These new projects will build up on the results of past work and will help bring our demonstrations even closer to the market. We will have the opportunity to present their achievements at InnoTrans 2020. We look forward to working together with our Members and other organizations through these projects to further develop innovative solutions to reshape the future railway system of Europe,” Carlo Borghini, Executive Director of the Shift2Rail JU, said.
Together with this call, S2R has cumulatively invested EUR 635.5 million in research & innovation activities, more than half of its 2014-2020 budget, which combined with the additional activities delivered by the members until now reaches almost EUR 800 million of railway R&I activated in three years.

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