RZD creates headquarters to support freight activities

Russian Railways has established operational headquarters which will provide support and ensure coordination for freight transport operators to prevent and stop the spread of new coronavirus infections.

The headquarters provide operational support for transport market participants, as well as the coordination of activities. The headquarters will also consider, approve, and execute applications for freight transport, as well as ensure the organisation and control of payments with RZD’s customers.

Based on the results of processing all requests in real time, the company will compile a list of quick-response, regulatory, and financial measures for consideration by the relevant authorities.

RZD will take all possible measures to support and assist small and medium-sized enterprises needs relating to their transport and logistics activities. “Each problem that comes up will be promptly addressed individually with feedback, including solutions to resolve the current situation,” RZD said.

RZD is also calling all involved parties to show maximum solidarity and ensure constructive cooperation to solve transport problems.

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