Railway package will ‘not be the last of its kind’

Technical and political bodies have joined forces to work on the fourth railway package, but the work isn’t over yet, writes Luis de Grandes Pascual, the parliament’s EPP group shadow rapporteur on the interoperability of the rail system within the EU (recast).
Despite legislative changes in recent years, rail transport has failed to become the kind of efficient, sustainable mode of transport the EU needs it to be.
The fourth railway package is currently in the final stages of tripartite negotiations between the commission, the parliament and the council. It is at its most critical point.
This railway package will certainly not be the last of its kind. Over the decades, major national rail operators have built up a natural monopoly over rail infrastructure. However, these operators’ attitudes have progressed, and they are gradually warming up to the idea of implementing the fourth railway package. It should be noted that this is a joint venture, in which those supporting political goals – opening up the national passenger services market – and those supporting technical goals – the implementation of a genuine European railway agency as the sole method of safety certification and genuine interoperability of the rail system – have joined forces to move forward together.
For more information: https://www.theparliamentmagazine.eu/articles/opinion/railway-package-will-not-be-last-its-kind

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