Poland to soon sign a EUR 354 million contract on E 59 line modernisation

PKP Polish Railway Lines announced that this spring it will sign the PLN 1.5 billion (EUR 354.6 million) contract for the modernisation of 70 km of line from Czempinia to Wielkopolska Voivodeship (in west-central Poland), on E 59 main line, from Wrocław – Poznań.
Modernization of the E59 line, linking Wielkopolska with Wroclaw, will cover the last 70 km of the section from Czempinia to the border of Lower Silesia. The result will be improved passenger service at the stations, shorter travel times and increased rail traffic safety. Spring PKP Polish Railway Lines S.A. They will sign contracts with contractors worth 1.5 billion zlotys.
The project is part of largest program on the modernization of the E 59 railway line on the Wrocław – Poznań section, Stage IV, Czempiń – Poznań section” and is co-financed under the Connecting Europe Facility. PLN 1.2 billion (EUR 283.6 million) wil be covered by the European funds.

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