The rail freight corridors are to be the backbone of transport on the single European market and are to revolutionize connections among European regions. Such a role will also be fulfilled by the rail freight corridors running through Poland: Rail Freight Corridor 5 Baltic – Adriatic (RFC5), as well as Rail Freight Corridor 8 North Sea – Baltic (RFC8).
Launching the freight corridors enables PKP PLK to provide the railway undertakings operating on the international market with the new offer. This offer is based on the activity of the corridor one-stop shop (C-OSS) by offering pre-arranged paths (PaPs) and the reserve capacity. An applicant will submit a path request and receive an answer at one place within one operation for the trains crossing at least one border within one rail freight corridor.
Rail Freight Corridor 5 Baltic – Adriatic will connect the Polish ports with those of the Adriatic Sea. Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia and Italy were involved in its implementation. Rail Freight Corridor 8 North Sea – Baltic implemented by Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic is going to serve as a connection between Eastern and Western Europe. After the implementation of the corridors these countries will ensure their smooth operation. In January 2016 C-OSS of both corridors, which go through Poland, will publish pre-arranged paths offers.
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