The intermodal terminal of PKP Cargo in Poznan Franowo is developed with the second shunting and storage yard and improved access road system that enable storage of a greater number of containers. Now the facility has the capacity to service additional containers transported between Baltic and Adriatic Sea.
The surface area of the new yard exceeds 8 thousand sq m. Additional surface increased the storage capacity of the Poznan terminal from app. 1.3 thousand TEU (20-feet containers) to app. 1.8 thousand TEU.
Franowo development is the second stage of this project. Total value of both stages of terminal construction amounts to app. PLN 30 million (almost EUR 7 million), of which the costs of this stage reached nearly PLN 6.77 million. Final modernization works are half-financed from the EU funds. The decision on terminal development was made only after one year from its putting into operation and dictated by strong interest of the clients in the services offered by the facility.
At present, the terminal in Poznan Franowo handles so called operator trains five times a week. These are fixed container connections with the Tricity seaports executed under a fixed schedule with the main advantage of the opportunity to order freight of even a single container without no additional obligations. The clients use them similarly to urban transport – they simply load the containers on the wagons at the convenient time.
The Franowo terminal is located at the crossing of two European transport corridors: East – West and North – South. The first one connects with the New Silk Route, the railway connection between China and Western Europe, whereas the second one links the Baltic Sea with the Adriatic coast.
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