The Swedish rail freight carrier Green Cargo and Softronic Craiova (a Romanian rolling stock manufacturer) signed a contract for the delivery of a new batch of six Transmontana Co-Co locomotives, in addition to the order received by Softronic Craiova in 2017 for two such locomotives. The new batch of locomotives could be delivered in the autumn of 2019.
Jan Kilström, CEO of Green Cargo, said the new locomotives offer company’s customers increased capacity and safety as well as lower transport costs. ”The locomotives also have a series of technical adaptations for the Nordic climate and a lower environmental impact because less energy is used,”, Kilström added.
Using topography and mileage data, the locomotive will be optimised to drive as energy-efficiently as possible.
We remind that in October 2017, Softronic started the manufacturing of the first two Transmontana locomotives for Green Cargo, within a contract worth about EUR 6 million. The two locomotives should be delivered this summer.
Transmontana represents the successor of a series of locomotives manufactured by Softronic own projects, but it is the first one with asynchronous traction motors. The new locomotives combine Softronic experience of over 12 years in modernisation, repair and manufacture of locomotives with innovations systematically oriented to customers benefit and cost effective.
The Co-Co axles are equipped with a 25 kV 50 Hz by-sistem transformer powering six asynchronous engines. The locomotive can reach speeds of over 200 km/h.
Softronic is among the Romanian electric locomotives and EMUs producers.
Green Cargo owns a rolling stock fleet of 400 locomotives and 5,000 wagons and ensures 400 freight trains per day in Sweden, which corresponds to about 10,000 trucks or a convoy of trucks more than 300-km long.
The operator offers door-to-door services in a network that spans all of Sweden, and through company’s partners, it has access to thousands of locations throughout Europe.
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