Gdansk-Constanta rail route proposed under the Three Seas Initiative

On August 23, the Romanian Government adopted three MoUs regarding the national projects to be promoted within the Three Seas Initiative Summit which this year will be held on September 17-18 in Bucharest.
The six selected projects which Romania is going to promote include three strategic sectors such as digital sector, energy and transport.
On transport sector, a rail project has been selected which envisages a connection between Gdansk and Constanta ports. Called “Rail 2 Sea”, the project involves the modernisation of a 3,663 km route which will allow commercial transport services as well as military equipment on Romania’s territory.
Also, for transport development, Romania has proposed FAIRway Danube project which will support the implementation of “Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Master Plan–Danube and its navigable tributaries” project, under the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The project was approved for funding under 2014 CEF Transport Call.
Three Seas Initiative was launched in 2015 by Poland’s president, Andrzej Duda, and his Croatian counterpart, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, and includes 12 EU member states from Baltic Sea, Adriatic Sea and Black Sea regions.

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