LTG Infra awarded AB Eurovia Lietuva a EUR 6.6 million contract to construct the local roads for the new Šveicarija – Žeimiai rail section in Jonava district, as part of Rail Baltica at Kaunas-Latvia border.
This “marks another important step in the Rail Baltica project – the first contract was signed. So, the actual construction of a completely new railway line towards the Latvian border will start soon,” Karolis Sankovski, Chief Executive Officer of LTG Infra said.
Under the contract, Eurovia Lietuva, will build 16 new local access roads alongside the future railway line, which will allow property owners to access their land after the railway is built. The total length of new local roads is about 20.3 km.
In addition, two service roads will be built to maintain the rail path. Where it is not possible to provide separate tracks for the maintenance of railway infrastructure elements, slip roads will have to be built from the access roads. The contract will also require the successful tenderer to install surface sewage networks, reconstruct drainage structures and connect a pumping station.
The contract established the deadline within a maximum of 420 days from the start of work.
The procedures are also underway to sign the contract with the successful tenderer for the railway bridge over the River Neris in Jonava district. Tenders have also been launched for the installation of a new railway crossing and civil engineering structures on the Šveicarija – Žeimiai and Žeimiai-Šėta rail sections. Further tenders for contract works are planned in the near future.
The Šveicarija – Žeimiai rail section in length of 12.2 km also includes the construction of two road viaducts and one road underpass, one rail viaduct, two regional stops and one passing loop.
In July 2020, Idom, responsible for the detailed technical design of Rail Baltica section Kaunas-Ramygala, has presented the design proposals for the Šveicarija-Žeimiai section. The 78 km Kaunas-Ramygala line is the rail section at the Lithuanian-Latvian state border which will include the construction of a 1,4 km long railway bridge over river Neris.
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