The European Commission has approved the public financing model of the Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link between Denmark and Germany, considering it in line with EU state aid rules.
The financing model notified by Denmark involves public support for the planning, construction and operation of the rail-road fixed link and the Danish rail and road connections.The costs of the entire project are estimated to be DKK 64.4 billion (EUR 8.7 billion), part of which is funded by the European Union through the Connecting Europe Facility.
According to CEF 2014 Calls for Proposals, the requested funding is EUR 1.75 billion and the recommended funding is EUR 589 million., with a recommended EU support of 40%.
The Commission considered that it was not necessary to conclude whether the public financing measures granted to Femern A/S for the sole purpose of planning, constructing and operating of the Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link constitute state aid within the meaning of the EU rules. This is because they would in any case be in line with EU state aid rules since they promote the execution of an important project of common European interest, EC explains.
The Fehmarn Belt fixed rail-road link comprises an immersed undersea tunnel between Denmark and Germany and the corresponding rail and road connections on land. The tunnel will be approximately 19 kilometres long and will consist of an electrified, double-track railway and a four-lane motorway with emergency lanes. Works are estimated to start next year, and is due to be open for traffic in 2024.
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