At European Union level, considerable efforts are still required to achieve an efficient and sustainable transport system, that has to meet the requirements for mobility demand and, because European policy promotes the development of sustainable transport system, the railway transport projects will be supported by funds. ”Cohesion Policy will support the realization of the Single European Transport Area and a fair development of all modes of transport. But I can say that we will support the railway transport by providing more funds as we promote the development of sustainable transport systems, and the railway transport is indeed the transport system that Europe needs,” EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu said in a video message, during UNIFE General Assembly 2015 held in Bucharest, Romania.
In 2007-2013 for transport system was alloted EUR 82 billion, amount that could be similar for the 2014-2020 period. ”In 2007-2013, EU funds for transport had a total of EUR 82 billion, of which 30% were allocated from Cohesion Funds. For the 2014-2020 period we do not have the final sum because some Operational Programmes have not yet been adopted, but I estimate that EU funds available for transport will be similar as the previos multianual financial framework. But our funding policy will focus on intelligent and sustainable solutions that will encourage multimodal systems, alternative fuel and less on investment in basic infrastructures such as road. For railways, we hope that the share via CEF and the Cohesion Fund will be larger compared to the previous period,” Crețu said.
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