PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe has completed the work related to the installation of the new ERTMS/ETCS at Gdańsk Port which will provide new opportunities and increased capacity for freight transport.
The company installed the new railway traffic control system devices on the 17 km line of the railway line No. 226 from Pruszcz Gdański to the Gdańsk Port Północny station, and the 3-km section of line No. 721 from Gdańsk Południowy to Gdańsk Olszynka.
This system supports the work of train drivers and traffic controllers as in case of a threat on the route, the train will be stopped. The new devices ensure optimal work organisation and efficient use of railway tracks. Rail freight transport to the Gdańsk port is now safer and more efficient.
The project, worth nearly PLN 17 million (EUR 4 million), was co-financed by the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme.
The investment was implemented as part of the project “Design and implementation of ERTMS/ETCS level 1 devices for railway line No. 226 from Pruszcz Gdański to Gdańsk Port Północny” within the project POIiŚ No. 5.1-8 titled “Project to improve rail access to the Gdańsk port (bridge + double-track railway line)” – Phase II, implemented under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme for 2014-2020.
The project was carried out by a consortium of companies consisting of Zakłady Automatyki Kombud from Radom (leader), Siemens Mobility from Warsaw, and Siemens Mobility GMBH from Munich. The project is worth nearly PLN 17 million (EUR 4. million), of which 85% is the European co-financing.
The railway line No. 226 enables the transport of cargo to the port of Gdańsk from the southern part of the country, bypassing the city centre. In previous years, the route was modernised. The line’s capacity was improved, and trains now travel faster, with speeds up to 100 km/h. The tracks and overhead line system were replaced, and engineering structures were reconstructed or newly built. The single-track railway bridge over the Martwa Wisła river was replaced with a new, double-track structure.
The project to install the ERTMS/ETCS at Gdańsk Port is complemented by the improvement of railway infrastructure access to the port of Gdańsk, which included rail modernisation and expansion and was completed in 2022.
Due to the completion of the entire project, longer and heavier trains, up to 750 meters in length and with a 22.5-tonne axle load, now reach the quays.
Nearly 70 km of tracks and 233 switches in the area of the Gdańsk Port Północny, Gdańsk Kanał Kaszubski, and Gdańsk Zaspa Towarowa stations, as well as the Gdańsk Wiślany area, and on the lines Gdańsk Główny – Gdańsk Zaspa Towarowa and Gdańsk Zaspa Towarowa – Gdańsk Wiślany (lines 227, 249, and 722), were modernised and electrified. Efficient and safe railway and road connection is ensured by a road viaduct. The expansion of the local control centre at Gdańsk Port Północny station and the construction of the signal box at Gdańsk Zaspa Towarowa station, equipped with new computer devices and telecommunication systems, ensures the smooth and safe operation of train traffic.
PLN 1.1 billion (EUR 261.8 million) is the value of the entire project, with nearly 40% of this amount co-financed by the European Union through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Under the 2015 CEF call for proposals, EU has provided a co-financing of EUR 108.5 million, representing 85% of the project’s eligible costs of EUR 132.77 million.
The project was implemented to increase access to the ports in the Tri-City area including the ports of Gdynia and Gdańsk which have a total value of PLN 2.6 billion (almost EUR 619 million). The project to modernise and develop the rail infrastructure at Gdynia port has been completed in November 2024. Tri-City ports project also includes the Sopot port.
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