Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas has extended the application deadline for the international tender for the Latvia’s Rail Baltica mainline construction until 1 March 2022, compared to the initial deadline which was set for 28 January 2022.
The purpose of the tender is to attract a contractor for the construction works of the Rail Baltica railway line infrastructure in Latvia outside the city of Riga at early construction stage.
In November 2021, Rail Baltica national implementing body in Latvia has launched the international procurement for the mainline construction in Latvia. Up to 85% of the project is financed from the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility with the remaining part being ensured by the Latvian budget.
The tender procedure is organised in two phases with the first one covering the selection of the candidates and in the second phase, Eiropas Dzelzceļa līnijas will start evaluation and negotiations of the initial proposals submitted by the tenderers, submission of the final proposals and the conclusion of the procurement contract.
The second phase of the tender is planned to be launched in May 2022 to conclude the contract with the winner of the second phase at the end of 2022 and start construction works in the first half of 2023. The contract will have a duration of 96 months (8 years).
The winner of the tender will provide construction works for the infrastructure covering the railway base and superstructure of the Rail Baltica mainline in the territory of Latvia outside the city of Riga spanning the distance of more than 200 km, including site preparation, construction of embankments, railway bridges, roads and overpasses, relocation of engineering networks and construction of railway tracks.
In view of the scope of the works included in the tender, the candidate must have an extensive experience in the construction of railways and other civil engineering infrastructure.
Organiser of the procurement is looking to attract construction companies with an annual turnover commensurate with the scale of the project. The previous experience related to the implementation of the Rail Baltica project in Latvia shows that Latvian construction companies form alliances with foreign professionals, combining local and global experience in the implementation of such projects.
Latvia’s Rail Baltica mainline is about 260 km from Lithuanian – Latvian border crossing 10 municipalities including Riga, and running on towards direction of Estonia via Salaspils, Ropaži, Sigulda, Saulkrasti and Limbaži municipalities. It will have 14 regional stations, one international station, two infrastructure management facilities, one rolling stock depot and one freight terminal.
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