Bryansk Machinery Plant, part of Transmashholding, is investing in the production of sustainable diesel locomotives and has launched local treatment facilities that purify waste solutions using a highly automated phosphating line. This allowed to reduce the negative impact of chemical processing of parts on the environment.
These treatment facilities, acquired as part of TMH’s 2022 investment programme, were installed in the shunting diesel locomotive workshop of the plant. The project is a part of the implementation strategy of the TMH Sustainable Development Policy, adopted in 2022 which outlines obligations for the environmentally conscious use of water resources.
Local treatment facilities collect acidic and alkaline waste solutions, resulting from the chemical processing of parts, and purify them in reactors using various reagents. They are equipped with sedimentation tanks, filters, pumps, and level sensors with an overfill alarm. The uninterrupted operation of the equipment is ensured by operators.
New treatment facilities make it possible to obtain technically purified water at the outlet, which, by its composition, is suitable for discharge into the city sewer collector. As a result, the number of species generated at the liquid waste phosphating line has decreased, and the company’s costs for waste management have also decreased.
In 2022, over RUB 6 million (USD 78,500) were allocated to the Bryansk plant for minimising the negative impact on the environment. Projects aimed at improving the environment are also being carried out as part of the modernisation of production. Since 2015, the plant has installed new paint and shot blasting chambers, which made it possible to reduce the level of atmosphere pollutant emissions.
TMH pays great attention to improving the level of environmental safety and meeting the requirements of legislation in environmental protection. The organisation and coordination of this is ensured by the Department of Ecology and Technosphere Safety, which carries out industrial environmental control and regular monitoring of waste management activities, quality control of the composition and properties of wastewater, emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
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