Bombardier unveils safety LRV system

At the UITP Global Public Transportation Summit, Bombardier presented the ‘Compas’, its new and innovative safety system for urban LRVs. The new system is expected to be granted commercial service authorization by mid-2020, with additional functions, such as increased vehicle autonomy enabling automated operation in depots, planned to for future integration.
Collision and Overspeed Monitoring and Prevention Assistance System – COMPAS, is a system that combines two of the most requested driver assistance functions, a vision-based overspeed prevention and an automated obstacle detection assistance system.
The solution is designed to ensure the driver always maintains full control over the vehicle by using digital track data and visual odometry to prevent the vehicle from exceeding its pre-defined speed limits, thus enhancing safety for those in and around the vehicle.
Bombardier will soon start the operational evaluation on Wiener Linien fleet and Blackpool, in the UK.

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