Angola spends USD3.5 billion on rebuilding railway network

Angola investment-railReconstruction of the network of railways in Angola, destroyed by the country’s civil war, between 2005 and 2015 cost over USD 3.5 billion, Angola’s Minister of Transport, Augusto da Silva Tomás said, quoted by Africatime.
Reconstruction of the three national lines built during the colonial period – along with CFB, the Luanda Railroad and the Moçâmedes Railroad – involved a public investment of USD 3.5 billion in 2,612 kilometres of the network and construction of 151 railway stations from scratch.
The Angolan railway network, rebuilt by Chinese companies, was also used for the passage of a fibre optic cable, and involved acquisition of 42 locomotives, 248 carriages of various types and 263 wagons, added the minister.

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