Washington: new study for elevated light rail in downtown Redmond

The Sound Transit Board requested the studying of an elevated light rail alignment in downtown Redmond, Washington. The changes are among potential refinements as Sound Transit works to begin construction of the extension in 2019 and service starting in 2024, only one year after the opening of light rail to Redmond’s Overlake area.
The refinements were identified following regional voters’ November 2016 approval of the project. They would improve service reliability and safety by separating trains from vehicle and pedestrian traffic. They would result in an approximately 600 foot shorter route ending at an elevated station in the Redmond Town Center area. With the refinements, the project is estimated to cost $880 to $915 million, which is within the $950 million financial plan estimate for the extension.
The potential refinements were identified through intensive work with the City of Redmond, the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, King County Metro Transit and the Washington State Department of Transportation. The proposed refinements will undergo additional environmental review and engineering prior to the Board’s scheduled 2018 adoption of the final project, which will be constructed under a design-build contract. The project extends the East Link project that is now under construction by approximately 3.5 miles.
“Within a year of opening East Link, we will open this further extension to downtown Redmond that will enable even more East King County residents to leave congestion behind. Together we have identified refinements that offer better service for riders while improving safety and helping downtown businesses to continue to thrive,” said Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff.

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