Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking has published and launched the 2018 S2R call for proposals, based on its amended Annual Work Plan 2018.
Submissions will be accepted from 16 January until 24 April 2018.
Under the 2018 call, EUR 155.3 million will be financed for railway research and innovation projects.
“Innovation and market-driven solutions are what Europe’s rail sector needs! With this call for proposals the S2R JU has committed more than 50% of its Programme funds. This demonstrates that the sector is capable of fast-paced work on innovation. The solutions developed under this call will pave the way for more attractive services for passengers and freight,” Henrik Hololei, Director-General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission said.
With 18 topics of which 7 are open to S2R Members (CFM) and 11 to non-JU Members (OC), this call is expected to raise high interest in the transport community and further improve the work already undertaken so far to reach the Programme objectives.
“We are delighted to get into the next generation of our projects. On the one hand, the Programme activities will start reaching in some cases up to TRL 7 (system prototype demonstration in operational environment) and, on the other hand, a set of Open Call break-through topics will lay the grounds for future research and rail applications (IPX),” Carlo M Borghini, Executive Director of the S2R JU said.
The indicative H2020 co-funding made available by the S2R JU for this call is EUR 78.7 million, out of an estimated projects’ value of around EUR 155.3 million. In addition, the JU has already launched a call for tender for
EUR 1.6 million and it will add some other procurement activities amounting to EUR 670.000.
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